
Achieving Zero Trust Implementation in the Defense Department

Written by Fed Gov Today | Feb 29, 2024 10:35:57 PM


At WEST 24, Jim Coyle, the U.S. Public Sector Chief Technology Officer for Lookout, discussed the Department of Defense's (DoD) pathway to implementing zero trust by fiscal year 2027 and the substantial benefits expected from this transition. Coyle highlighted the current challenges of differentiating and protecting various types of critical data, from blueprints of advanced aircraft to personally identifiable information of service members. Emphasizing the importance of understanding the data to protect national security interests effectively, Coyle pointed out that adopting zero trust methodologies offers a promising avenue to prevent adversaries from accessing highly classified information. He illustrated the urgency of this shift by referencing how similar U.S. and Chinese military assets appeared, raising concerns about data theft. Coyle argued that a deep understanding of the data and its importance would enable the DoD to make significant strides in safeguarding sensitive information.

Coyle further elaborated on the steps necessary for the DoD to achieve its zero trust implementation goal. He stressed the need for a data-centric approach, focusing on identifying what data needs protection, who is accessing it, and the means of access, whether through mobile devices on the front lines or secure networks. This approach will allow the DoD to prioritize protection efforts effectively, address technical debt, and reallocate resources towards enhancing security measures, such as threat hunting and continuous monitoring. Coyle suggested that this shift towards zero trust is not only about enhancing security but also about improving resource efficiency by eliminating redundant or outdated technical controls. By prioritizing data protection based on its sensitivity and potential impact on national security, the DoD can systematically advance toward its zero trust objectives, ensuring a more secure and resilient defense infrastructure.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The central role of data in defining zero trust implementation priorities.
  2. The potential for reducing technical debt through zero trust methodologies.
  3. The importance of a data-centric approach in securing sensitive information.