CISA - HHS Joint Toolkit | AI in Healthcare | Excitement & Fear Over AI

Mike Shepherd is Director of the Catalog Management Office at GSA discusses the agency’s focus on human-centered design in contracting, highlighting the transition to a user-first strategy. Sunday January 7th. - 10:30 AM on ABC 7

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These eight shots crystallize the hard work moms put into keeping their kids alive, happy, and healthy. They might give you the inspiration you need

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Embracing the Red: The Path Forward for the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation at VA | Data Resiliency | CMO Back at DoD?

Embracing the Red: The Path Forward for the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Digital Transformation

AI: In Depth - Vinay Singh from HUD & Joe Baptiste from EY

These eight shots crystallize the hard work moms put into keeping their kids alive, happy, and healthy. They might give you the inspiration you need

50 Years After The Moon Landing: How Close Is Space Travel, Really?

These eight shots crystallize the hard work moms put into keeping their kids alive, happy, and healthy. They might give you the inspiration you need

50 Years After The Moon Landing: How Close Is Space Travel, Really?

These eight shots crystallize the hard work moms put into keeping their kids alive, happy, and healthy. They might give you the inspiration you need

50 Years After The Moon Landing: How Close Is Space Travel, Really?

These eight shots crystallize the hard work moms put into keeping their kids alive, happy, and healthy. They might give you the inspiration you need

50 Years After The Moon Landing: How Close Is Space Travel, Really?

These eight shots crystallize the hard work moms put into keeping their kids alive, happy, and healthy. They might give you the inspiration you need

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