Defined Trust in Cyber Resiliency

July 16, 2024

Presented by UberEther

IMG_5765Matt Topper, President of UberEther, critiqued the zero trust moniker, suggesting it should be called defined trust to better represent the concept. He highlighted the need for multi-provider, standards-based solutions to ensure resiliency in the face of cyber threats. Topper discussed the importance of being able to rekey entire networks quickly and maintaining consistent security policies across different platforms. He emphasized the necessity of agencies understanding their risk points and adopting a strategy that allows them to pivot and adapt rapidly during cyber attacks. His insights stress the importance of flexibility and preparedness in achieving true cyber resiliency.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Defined Trust Over Zero Trust: Suggested redefining zero trust as defined trust to better capture its essence.
  2. Multi-Provider Resiliency: Advocated for solutions that ensure resiliency across various platforms and providers.
  3. Rapid Adaptation During Attacks: Emphasized the need for quick rekeying and consistent security policies to effectively respond to cyber threats.

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