The multi cloud conundrum for the IC; a “generational opportunity” for military/industry partnership; a potential software shift for agencies and vendors


The intelligence community is moving to the cloud through its Commercial Cloud Enterprise. But one of the I-C’s leaders says the community doesn’t have a multi-cloud strategy. Bob Osborn, Chief Technology Officer for Global Governments for ServiceNow & former CIO of the National Nuclear Security Administration, describes what goes into a multi-cloud strategy, and how to make it work.


The United States has a “generational opportunity” to cooperate with partners. That opportunity exists in tech development and the defense industrial base, according to Bill Greenwalt, visiting senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute; a founder of the Silicon Valley Defense Group; former deputy undersecretary of defense for industrial policy; and former senior staff member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. He and his co-author Tom Corben write about the generational opportunity, and Bill tells 


Federal agencies would buy software very differently under a bill in Congress. The “Strengthening Agency Management and Oversight of Software Assets Act” is under consideration in both the House and Senate. Mary Davie, President of Mary Davie Consulting, former assistant commissioner of the Office of Integrated Technology Services at the Federal Acquisition Service, and former Deputy Associate Administrator for the Mission Support Directorate at NASA, advises agencies about what they’ll have to prepare for if the bill becomes law.

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