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New podcast episodes released every Wednesday. Subscribe to our Podcast on all major platforms:
New Podcast: Expansive AI Use in Government | 2024 TSP Outlook
Digital Modernization Pitfalls | Help Wanted at the IRS | Pentagon Budget Creep
Moving Money Across Agencies | CBP Cloud | VR at VA
Impact of Telework | Changes to Your Retirement?
DoD’s road ahead for DEIA; a veteran in the fight against cancer, a one-year tech anniversary at the TSP
USCG procurement falls behind; Help for early phase Zero Trust; Inside the DHS S&T Directorate
OMB puts its money where its cyber policy is; a $1B hedge fund for the Pentagon; the Army’s newest platform gets an in-depth review
New high risk list includes some of the same old problems; the unique cyber challenge ahead for the Coast Guard
Hitting the AI gas pedal; matching money to the PMA; the Pentagon’s civilian people problem
Next steps for DOD/vendor cyber collaboration; the storage problem affecting government and industry
VA’s biggest IT issue isn’t Cerner; building tech strategy for the whole gov; Decade 3 of DoD $ management risks
FITARA scorecard evolves, scores go up